Improving Sleep: Try These Tips to Help You Sleep Better

If there’s a fact we’ve heard a million times, it’s how much the human body needs sleep. Sleep plays a massive role in the quality of our day to day lives. Not only does getting enough quality sleep give one clarity during the day, it helps with the condition of one’s skin. I have found that consistently getting 8 hours of quality sleep everyday gives my skin a glow.
As they say, talk is cheap. It is easy to extol all the advantages of getting good quality sleep everyday but while some people fall into deep sleep once their head hits the pillow, others are not quite so fortunate.
We have taken the liberty to curate a list of things you can incorporate in your daily lives to improve the quality of your sleep.

A Weighted Blanket:
Weighted blankets are quite simply a hug in a blanket. They are made from a variety of material including glass beads, poly pellets, cotton, linen, bamboo etc. and should typically weigh around ten percent of one’s body weight. Weighted blankets use deep pressure stimulation to trigger a calming and relaxing response in the body through the release of serotonin and dopamine.
Research has shown that a good weighted blanket can help relieve symptoms of insomnia. They also come in different sizes and weights.

Soothing Essential Oils:
Essential oils have been used for centuries and are time-proven to improve the quality of sleep. They are not expensive and are easily accessible to all. Falling asleep to the soothing smell of oils such as lavender oil might be just what you need to get that quality sleep you have been craving. There are also specialty blends of oil such as  which most users swear improved their sleep.
Whether you use a diffuser, massage a little bit (with a carrier oil) onto your skin, or sprinkle some oil around your room, you only need a few drops of your favourite soothing oil to help you relax. Amazon has pretty good deals on diffusers and essential oils.

Sleep Spray
This is another aromatherapy approach that can improve one’s quality of sleep. Sleep sprays are usually infused with essential oils and induce the production of melatonin for a deeper more satisfying sleep.

Sunrise Alarm Clock
Ever woken up to the sound of a very scary alarm? We have too and would very much love to “unexperience” it. The way we wake up can greatly impact the quality of our sleep. It’s very normal to feel some anxiety around your wake-up time when your body is used to being “alarmed” into waking up. Pun absolutely intended!
The human body is naturally programmed to wind-down at sunset and wake up gradually as the sun rises. Sunrise Alarm Clocks work by mimicking sunrise; gradually increasing the intensity of light until your desired wake-up time.

Weighted Eye Masks

Just like weighted blankets, weighted eye masks use deep pressure stimulation to aid better sleep. In addition to blocking out light, like traditional eye masks, weighted eye masks provide gentle pressure on the eyes which sends signals to your brain to relax.

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